Carsten Regild
Biography, CV
Carsten Regild, was born in Copenhagen in the year 1941 and died in Stockholm in 1992. Being a Swedish /Danish artist as well as a commercial artist, he was productive in Stockholm. He worked with drawings, collages, paintings, movies and music. Together with Rolf Börjlind, in 1973 he founded the Stencil Periodical Kulturmagasinet Vargen and they even founded Vargens Publishing Firm, which published art books and the art magazine Kulturmagasinet Vargen.
His art was very graphic and collage inspired with an advertising touch to it and all his art entailed a recurring theme of symbolism. He created an icon that he called “Vargen”, which reappeared frequently in his works. Vargen was a picture of a man in a coat and a hat, drawn in comic strip Film Noir – style, somewhat like Mr Walker, or a 1950’s spymovie. Another of the iconic pictures he created was that of a black light bulb, this came to be the logotype for Bo Cavefors Publishers. On the surface it could appear as if he was working within the Pop Art tradition, but Dada and Surrealism equally inspire his ways of expression.
In 1972 he had a separate exhibition Nekropolis at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm and in 1981 they had on showing an exhibition of his art from the years 1953-1981 which was given the title Vargens öga.
In 1975 he released collective record titled Voice Of The Wolf, with among others Pugh Rogefeldt and Åke Hodell.
In 1990 his works were exhibited at Kulturhuset in Stockholm, with a larger separate showing titled Terra Incognita Tur o Retur. The same title was used at a larger retrospective exhibition of his works at The Art Academy in Stockholm in 2006.
Translated by Anette Lindegaard
2012 Galerie Bel'Art, Stockholm
2008 Lars Bohman Gallery, Stockholm
2006 Terra Incognita, Konstakademien, Stockholm
1999 Allt är möjligt, Galleri Engström, Stockholm, Sweden
1998 Vargens Öga, Konsthallen Hishult, Sweden
1997 Minnesutställning, Thielska galleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
1993 Vargens Öga, Galleri Engström, Stockholm, Sweden
1990 Terra Incognita, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
1989 Carsten Regild, Galleri Solertia, Mariefred, Sweden
1988 Nya målningar, Galerie Modern, Stockholm, Sweden
1987 Thruth kills everybody, Boibrino Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
1986 Centre Culturel Suédois, Paris, France
1985 Akvarell & Guache, Upplands Konstmuseum, Uppsala, Sweden
Målningar och Grafik, Galerie Oijens, Göteborg, Sweden
Reditus Lupi, Galeri Leger, Malmö, Sweden
Retrospektivt, Örebro Läns Museum, Gävle Länsmuseum
1984 Akvarell och Gouache, Galleri Engström, Stockholm, Sweden
1983 Galleri Lång, Malmö, Sweden
Nifertiti, Galleri Engström, Stockholm, Sweden
1982 Voodoo-Volf, Norrköpings Konstmuseum
Vargens Öga, Malmö Konsthall,
Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri S:t Agnes, Roskilde, Denmark
333/207, Galleri Engström, Stockholm, Sweden
1981 Vargens Öga, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Konst är dyrare än korv, Galleri Nemo, Eckerrnförde, Germany
1980 Wolf – der Magiker, Galleri Engström, Stockholm, Sweden
1978 Paintings 1977 -78, Galleri Aix, Stockholm, Sweden
Ingenting här – ingenting där, Galleri Wallner, Malmö, Sweden
1976 The Wolf Enters The Brain Bizarre, Lunds Universitet, Sweden
1975 Vargen, Noderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Wolf Art Gallery, Gallery Cheap Thrills, Helsinki, Finland
Galleri Aronowisch, Stockholm, Sweden
1974 Reklam, Typografi & Design, Galeri sens:t Petri, Lund
1973 Lay-out for the last show. Galleri 1, Stockholm, Sweden
1972 Nekropolis, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
1971 Instant Art, The Stockholm Subway, Sweden
1966 The Mr Ray Balon Sin Claire, Galleri Maxim, Stockholm, Sweden
1964 Galleri Maxim, Stockholm, Sweden
1963 Uppsala, Sweden
Tänd Mörkret !, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Milesgården, Stockholm, Växsjö Konsthall, Ystads Konstmuseum, Konstcentrum Gävle, Länsmuseet in Gävle, Jamtli, Jämtlands läns Museum, Östersund, Konstens Hus, Luleå, Sweden
Hjärtat sitter till vänster, Luleå Konstmuseum Södertälje Konstmuseum, Sweden
Hjärtat sitter till vänster, Göteborgs Konstmuseum
Spelrum, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden
Inspirationens vägar, Konstakademien, Stockholm, Sweden
Utsökta kroppar, Sveagalleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
Abstraktioner i olika skepnader, Västerås Konstmuseum, Sweden
Dialog, Fundaco Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal
Klökskonster, Malmö Konsthall, Östersunds Konstmuseum, Sweden
Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Gröningen, Kopenhagen, Denmark
Spelets Regler, Amos Andersson Konstmuseum, Helsinki, Finland
Experimental Environment, Reykjavik, Icland
Svenskt 70-tal, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
A Head Museum for the Eighties, Lund, Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland
Nordiska Ungdomsbiennalen, Helsinki, Finland
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
Malmö Konstmuseum, Sweden
Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Sweden
Örebro Läns Museum, Sweden
Gävle Länsmuseum, Sweden
Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden
Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden
Västerås Konstmuseum, Sweden
Museum Bochum, Germany