Roger Risberg
A tribute - Red Heart, color drawings
Inaguration by Thomas Millroth at 2 pm
Inauguration by Thomas Millroth (video)
Video: Listen to Roger's daughter Linnea Sidfäldt
singing - To My Father (Swedish) (video)
From the opening

Linnea Sidfäldt with Frida Lindstrand

Pierre Stahre and Thomas Millroth

Jan Wadebro

Kent Belenius, Gunnar Juhlin and Lasse Björkdahl

Niklas Belenius and Cecilia Edefalk

Johan von Friedriechs and HC Ericsson

Pierre Stahre and Linnea Sidfäldt

Majvor and Rolf Lundh

Thomas Millroth and Linnea Sidfäldt

Thomas Millroth and Cecilia Edefalk

Two old friends: Johan Söderqvist and Sven Nilsson

Åsa Franck

Mr & Mrs Bertil Schultze

Jan Watteus

Mikael Malander

Christian Cavallin